Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd ADR(TSM)


Change: 0 (0)

As of Tue 12/20/2022 07:14 PM

% Of Value


Value Per Share






95.6900 (as of 19/12/2022)

Fundamentals Data

Open 76.92 Dividend 5186
Close Price 76.10 DivYield 3.22 %
High 77.12 Growth 73.6 M
Low 75.76 Growth% 7.26
P/e 17.468 Volume 12.5 M
P/b 1.74 Market Capital 1,973.3 B
Highest High Lowest Low
50 Days Moving Average 70.86 (as of 12/12/2022) 50 Days Moving Average Percentage 12.303712871287 (as of 12/12/2022
Industry: Semiconductors

Charts for balance Sheet:

Balance Sheet Table: last 5 years

Note: Numbers are estimated, Exact figures can be found in Annual Reports
Type Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Current Year / 2017
Revenue 0.0 762.8 B 843.4 B 947.9 B 977.4 B
Cap Spending 0.0 -288.3 B -256.6 B -328.7 B -331.0 B
Operating Expenses 0.0 81.8 B 90.3 B 96.8 B 109.2 B
Operating Cash Flow 0.0 295.8 B 320.0 B 377.9 B 385.5 B
Free Cash Flow 0.0 163.1 B 314.1 B 257.0 B 317.8 B
Free Cash Flow Per Share 6.29 12.114 9.912 12.258
Total liabilities 0.0 250.6 B 231.4 B 211.0 B 155.5 B
Total cash 0.0 358.4 B 562.6 B 541.2 B 553.3 B
ROE% 0.274 0.273 0.26 0.242
Outstanding Shares 0.0 25.9 B 25.9 B 25.9 B 25.9 B
P/E 14.895 14.139 15.219 17.468
P/S 4.966 5.076 5.326 6.166
Revenue USD 0.0 24.3 B 26.0 B 30.9 B 33.2 B

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