SK Telecom Co Ltd ADR(SKM)


Change: 0 (0)

As of Tue 12/20/2022 06:19 PM

% Of Value


Value Per Share






107359.9400 (as of 19/12/2022)

Fundamentals Data

Open 20.69 Dividend 636
Close Price 20.64 DivYield 4.57 %
High 20.78 Growth 1.0 M
Low 20.51 Growth% 8.10
P/e 6.252 Volume 397,585.0
P/b 2.16 Market Capital 1.4 B
Highest High Lowest Low
50 Days Moving Average 20.23 (as of 20/12/2022) 50 Days Moving Average Percentage 1.6099221789883 (as of 20/12/2022
Industry: Telecommunications Equipment

Charts for balance Sheet:

Balance Sheet Table: last 5 years

Note: Numbers are estimated, Exact figures can be found in Annual Reports
Type Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Current Year / 2017
Revenue 0.0 17,220.2 B 17,167.6 B 17,158.3 B 17,552.0 B
Cap Spending 0.0 -3,113.5 B -2,570.1 B -3,103.2 B -2,832.2 B
Operating Expenses 0.0 11,275.2 B 10,865.0 B 13,062.3 B 13,565.8 B
Operating Cash Flow 0.0 1,607.8 B 1,495.4 B 1,303.4 B 1,224.5 B
Free Cash Flow 0.0 563.8 B 1,207.9 B 1,139.8 B 1,023.5 B
Free Cash Flow Per Share 7948.465 17108.106 16143.444 14496.547
Total liabilities 0.0 6,760.0 B 7,523.8 B 7,369.7 B 7,469.0 B
Total cash 0.0 834.4 B 768.9 B 1,505.2 B 1,457.7 B
ROE% 0.129 0.102 0.107 0.152
Outstanding Shares 0.0 70.9 M 70.6 M 70.6 M 70.6 M
P/E 11.355 9.562 10.133 6.252
P/S 1.188 0.846 0.99 0.926
Revenue USD 0.0 15.9 B 15.0 B 15.2 B 16.4 B

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