Why fast-fashion brands like H&M are losing millennial customers in Malaysia and Singapore

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Growing awareness of environmental and workers’ issues, as well as intense competition from online brands, are contributing to a dip in demand for fast fashion. But do enough people really care to make a lasting difference?

“The whole mentality that we should buy more because it’s cheap just didn’t seem right any more,” she says.

It was a 180-degree sartorial turn for Chi, one that many other young Singaporeans and Malaysians are going through.

More than 1,000 shoppers queued outside H&M’s Singapore flagship store when it opened in 2011, excited to become its first customers. The following year, about 1,500 people did the same at its Kuala Lumpur flagship on its first day of business. And when H&M collaborated with luxury brands Balmain and Kenzo, launching the collections in 2015 and 2016 respectively, similar frenzies occurred.

MORE: https://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/fashion-beauty/article/2152687/why-fast-fashion-brands-hm-are-losing-millennial-customers#comments


Facts:  While H&M clothing may be bought at affordable prices, the quality is also up to par with up to 50-100 washes. 


2. While making it affordable allows you to buy more, the power of cheaper prices, it does not force you to buy more & more.  


3. Fast Fashion is unlikely to go out of fashion with millennials mainly because it isn't a style of clothing, but an emulation of the current in style trend. Unlike Adidas, Polo, Gap, Nike which has a "set" look. 


Analysis:  H&M makes affordable clothing at great prices, they do not force you to continuously buy new clothes all the time. You equally can't blame McDonalds for having a $1 menu and loading up on cheeseburgers. Affordable prices allow the lower income market to also wear good fashion and look trendy which make society a much more equal standing. Win - Win 


Conclusion: Buy H&M