Ecopetrol SA ADR(EC)


Change: 0 (0)

As of Tue 12/20/2022 04:45 PM

% Of Value


Value Per Share






2884.5700 (as of 19/12/2022)

Fundamentals Data

Open 9.06 Dividend -8262137000000
Close Price 9.18 DivYield 0 %
High 9.28 Growth 440,111.0
Low 8.89 Growth% 7.33
P/e 12.17 Volume 3.1 M
P/b -1.28 Market Capital 377.4 B
Highest High Lowest Low
50 Days Moving Average 9.70 (as of 20/12/2022) 50 Days Moving Average Percentage -7.2198895027624 (as of 20/12/2022
Industry: Oil & Gas Production

Charts for balance Sheet:

Balance Sheet Table: last 5 years

Note: Numbers are estimated, Exact figures can be found in Annual Reports
Type Year1 / 2014 Year2 / 2015 Year3 / 2016 Year4 / 2017 Current Year / 2018
Revenue 66,117.5 B 52,347.2 B 48,485.5 B 55,954.2 B 68,603.8 B
Cap Spending -15,290.5 B -13,973.0 B -5,727.5 B -5,522.3 B -8,262.1 B
Operating Expenses 7,482.1 B 13,221.5 B 5,329.5 B 2,874.0 B 4,961.0 B
Operating Cash Flow 16,461.7 B 2,131.1 B 8,904.5 B 16,171.8 B 22,458.4 B
Free Cash Flow 1,749.3 B -3,561.5 B 8,505.3 B 11,451.2 B 14,207.0 B
Free Cash Flow Per Share 42.546 -86.621 206.859 278.506 345.53
Total liabilities 35,970.5 B 53,324.6 B 52,222.0 B 43,547.8 B 38,062.6 B
Total cash 7,982.2 B 6,550.4 B 8,410.4 B 7,945.8 B 6,311.7 B
ROE% 0.162 -0.173 0.059 0.18 0.224
Outstanding Shares 41.1 B 41.1 B 41.1 B 41.1 B 41.1 B
P/E 12.428 -8.175 22.362 15.68 12.17
P/S 1.282 1.123 1.129 2.233 2.019
Revenue USD 27.4 B 18.1 B 16.6 B 20.4 B 21.9 B

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