Cameco Corp(CCJ)


Change: 0 (0)

As of Tue 12/20/2022 09:08 PM

% Of Value


Value Per Share






2.6900 (as of 19/12/2022)

Fundamentals Data

Open 21.71 Dividend 396
Close Price 21.41 DivYield 3.51 %
High 21.84 Growth -57.9 M
Low 21.245 Growth% -4.67
P/e 37.315 Volume 4.3 M
P/b -0.15 Market Capital 8.4 B
Highest High Lowest Low
50 Days Moving Average 23.43 (as of 19/12/2022) 50 Days Moving Average Percentage -7.9060340856748 (as of 19/12/2022
Industry: Precious Metals

Charts for balance Sheet:

Balance Sheet Table: last 5 years

Note: Numbers are estimated, Exact figures can be found in Annual Reports
Type Year1 / 2014 Year2 / 2015 Year3 / 2016 Year4 / 2017 Current Year / 2018
Revenue 2.3 B 2.7 B 2.4 B 2.1 B 2.0 B
Cap Spending -479.4 M -358.3 M -214.7 M -112.0 M -54.1 M
Operating Expenses 599.4 M 451.4 M 605.2 M 564.0 M 225.5 M
Operating Cash Flow 38.3 M 245.5 M -141.7 M -127.7 M 70.2 M
Free Cash Flow 775,000.0 91.6 M 97.6 M 483.9 M 613.4 M
Free Cash Flow Per Share 0.002 0.232 0.247 1.223 1.55
Total liabilities 1.4 B 1.4 B 1.4 B 1.4 B 1.4 B
Total cash 566.5 M 458.6 M 320.2 M 591.6 M 711.5 M
ROE% 0.034 0.012 -0.011 -0.041 0.034
Outstanding Shares 395.7 M 395.7 M 395.7 M 395.7 M 395.7 M
P/E 39.606 103.088 -94.153 -22.598 37.315
P/S 3.06 2.443 2.386 2.147 2.967
Revenue USD 1.9 B 2.1 B 1.8 B 1.6 B 1.5 B

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